The Committee is elected anually at the Owners' Association AGM. It consists of a Chair, Secretary, the class Measurers and representatives of the Hardchine, One-off, and Traditional fleets, along with representation from Hickling Broad Sailing Club.
Rupert Redington
Bill Glover
Dick Roe
Simon Clayton
Traditional Representative
Ruth Owen
Hardchine Representative
Mark Elson
One-off Representative
Alastair Drew
Hickling Representative
John Parker
Rules and Register
Downloadable class register, rules, procedures, and forms
Norfolk Punt Rules
Full Norfolk Punt Class Rules, v0.3.2
Norfolk Punt Class Register
A spreadsheet of the class register, with ownership and handicap details
Sail Insignia
Sail Insignia selected at AGM 2019
Sail Measurement Form
Excel Spreadssheet for sail measurements
Hull Measurement Form
Excel spreadsheet for hull measurements
The procedures of the NPOA
Relationship to the Norfolk Punt Club
The Norfolk Punt Owners Association and the Norfolk Punt Club are closely related. Portions of the Norfolk Punt Club constitution which refer to the association are set out below.
Punt Owners' Association Committee
a)The Punt Owners' Association Committee (POA) shall be deemed to be a sub committee of the Club and its purpose shall be to encourage and control the building, sailing, racing and development of the Norfolk Punt in close cooperation with the Club and to represent Punt Owners whether or not they are members of the Club.
b)The Punt Owners' Association (POA) shall have its own Rules and Procedures (POA Rules) so far as these do not conflict with the Rules or constitution of the Club. A copy of any such NPOA Rules must be provided to the Honorary Secretary of the Club who shall be notified forthwith of any change in the NPOA Rules. (included as Annex A below)
Punt Owner
A Punt Owner is defined as any person owning or part owning a Norfolk Punt (hereinafter called a Punt) recognised to be a boat within the class of Norfolk Punts as defined by the POA Rules
POA Committee
The POA committee shall consist of the POA Chair, the POA Secretary (who during the period of tenure shall be an ex officio member of the Club Committee) and a Member of the NPC Committee (who shall be a Punt Owner) nominated by the NPC Committee. These persons together shall be known as the POA Committee and shall take office from 1st January next following for one year.
Any members of the POA Committee or any sub committee thereto who are not Full Members or adult Family Members of the Club shall for so long as they shall serve on the POA Committee become Temporary Members of the Club. The granting of Temporary Membership to any member of the POA Committee shall not oblige such member to pay any Entrance fee or annual subscription but such Temporary members shall not be entitled to exercise any of the rights and privileges of Club membership and for the avoidance of doubt they shall have no voting rights in Club meetings.
The Punt Owners Association Secretary, or, if none, the NPC Honorary Secretary, shall convene Meetings of Punt Owners (POA meetings) by giving not less than fourteen days notice to each Punt Owner on the Owners' register, and shall convene a POA Annual General Meeting and any Special General POA Meetings in the same manner as provided by Section 6 of the Club Constitution relating to the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meetings of the Club, (so far as relevant) except that a requisition need be made and signed by five Punt Owners only. All Punts Owners whether or not Club Members shall be entitled to attend the POA Annual General Meeting and any Special General POA Meetings. The election, retirement and continuation of membership of the POA Committee shall be in accordance with provisions of Section 4 of the Club Constitution (so far as relevant) and the voting and procedures to be followed at such meetings shall be in accordance with the Club provisions therein save that at POA meetings ten owners shall form a quorum.
Handicap and Technical Sub Committee
a)A Handicap and Technical Sub Committee (HTC) shall be formed at the direction of the POA Committee to examine Punt handicaps, changes to boat or sail measurements and any technical issues that might affect the Punt Class. This shall be a sub committee of the POA and shall meet in accordance with the Rules of the POA and shall report back to the POA Committee.
b)The Punt Owners' Association Secretary shall report to the Club Committee on any matters resolved by the POA and any subcommittees thereto.
This Constitution is based on the model constitution produced by the RYA (20 January 2012) but has been amended to meet the specific requirements of the Norfolk Punt Club.
Meeting Minutes and Agendas
Copies of agendas and minutes from recent meetings.